Friday 11 May 2018

Their raison d'être - to be an irritant

THE "PROBLEM" OF THE JEWS They and their presence in the world are truly a stumbling block. If you reject religion and consider it to be unscientific, primitive and irrational you won't even address the problem they present because you will simply dismiss them as primitive and irrational. They assert their right as free people to say that they are living proof of the existence of a single God and that that is their very raison d'être. In that sense they can't not say that. That act of saying is an offence to many and disturbs many to the point of wishing them harm. The jews would say that is because it was meant to disturb people; that the idea of God is meant to disturb and change things. The question is, can we allow them the freedom to walk around saying this? Can we tolerate it? That's as big a question as the question of free speech. This is the real problem of the jews.

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